Use of gloves tattoo infection control
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Glove Use and Disposal in a Tattoo Parlour
Types of Gloves
In a tattoo parlour, choosing the right gloves is crucial for maintaining hygiene and safety. The following types are commonly used:
- Nitrile Gloves: Black nitrile gloves are popular for their durability and grip. They come in various colours, including blue and purple.
- Vinyl Gloves: These are less suitable for tattooing due to their poor grip and tendency to tear easily.
- Latex Gloves: Although effective, latex gloves are less commonly used due to potential allergic reactions.
Some gloves are powder-free to avoid issues with powder allergies. If you experience itching or redness, switch to powder-free gloves.
Checking and Putting on Gloves
Before using gloves, check them for any defects:
- Inspect for Holes: Inflate the gloves slightly and squeeze them to ensure no air escapes. Visually inspect for any tears or defects.
- Avoid Sharp Objects: Remove any sharp rings that might puncture the gloves.
To put on gloves:
- Slide your hand into the glove, ensuring your fingers and thumb are fully inserted.
- Adjust the cuff to cover your wrist properly.
- Repeat with the second glove, making sure both gloves are fitted securely.
Glove Usage Guidelines
Key rules for using gloves in a tattoo parlour include:
- Change Gloves Regularly: Use a fresh pair of gloves for each client or task. Avoid using the same gloves for different patients.
- Keep Gloves On: Wear gloves for all tasks involving potential contact with infectious or bodily fluids.
Removing and Disposing of Gloves
Proper removal of gloves is essential to prevent contamination:
- Pinch the Outside: Pinch the outside of the glove at the wrist and peel it inside out.
- Remove the Second Glove: With the first glove inside the second, peel off the second glove by turning it inside out.
- Dispose Properly: Place the gloves in a hazardous waste bag and dispose of them according to your workplace's policies and procedures.
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